Greetings everyone,
This is my last letter as Seneschal of this fair Principality.

I am pleased to announce that Baron Meliton will be my successor, helping steer the Great Ship of State through various conundrums and ministrations to hand.

I will be honest, this has been a difficult two years, but that has been due to the problems of Real Life (tm). It would have been a different term of office if my personal situation had been stable. But this club of ours is not real life, it is a platform for our hobbies and a community to build great friendships upon, and built upon the contributions of many.

This Principality is burgeoning, membership rose 3% on the quarter, with 316 SCA CIC UK membership and this is down to the hard work of many people running regular displays, events and practices. It has been a privilege sitting here, reading the quarterly reports of such activities over the last two years. long may this continue!

It is this collaboration, consent and trust between people who would not always be close friends, but drawn together in the spirit of common purpose, that of enjoyment, learning and prowess in our many offerings. Forbearance and a knowledge that one’s word and behaviour travels far is the foundation of Grace, Chivalry and above all, an open, safe and welcoming atmosphere. That is the key to our future.

We are an organisation of volunteers, building communities across these lands and as long as that trust, courtesy and open-minded acceptance of each other’s interests remains, this Principality will achieve even more renown and attractiveness to members new and old.

Long may that continue, and long may you draw more people into trying our activities and staying to become practitioners and teachers in their own time.

Signing off.
