Greetings Noble Populace of Insulae Draconis!

We trust everyone has been enjoying the summer in whatever way brings each the most joy. We look forward to all the amazing events, work groups, practices, and other opportunities to live the dream in the coming weeks. And do not forget those on-line opportunities as well! There is a wealth of knowledge and fun to be tapped into without the need to travel, whether you are looking to learn a new skill, hone your own skills or assist others to do so, or just enjoy the company of others.

As most of you may already be aware, the event at which our Heirs will be determined, Ormþing LIX, is soon approaching. But even more quickly approaching is the deadline for potential Entrants to the Coronet Tournament to submit their Letters of Intent; as of publication of this edition of The Baelfyr, there will be only two weeks remaining to submit. Do not let “I dare not” wait upon “I would”! The deadline is 15 July, and the link to the submission form is:

Another significant event We hope to be able to accomplish at Ormþing LIX will be to read the new changes to Principality Law into court, and thus finish the difficult labors initiated by our predecessors and to which many of you nobles have contributed. In order to make that happen, We will hold a Parliament; to encourage as much participation from each of you as possible this Parliament will be held on-line on Monday, 05 August, at 7pm. Many of you are already familiar with the proposed changes as many were involved in their drafting, but We will distribute a document consolidating all the proposed changes in red ink. We ask that you take a few minutes to become familiar with the proposed changes, and join the on-line Parliament on 05 August. The link to the document is:

As always, We are incredibly proud of this Principality, all that Insulae Draconis has contributed to the Dream and all that this Principality will accomplish in the future!