Thank you.

Two simple words that encapsulate a myriad of thoughts and emotions to all of you who put in your time week in week out in order to make the magic happen.

Thank you to you, volunteering your time to hold an office in your Shire, Tuatha, Barony, Hamlet and Principality.

Thank you to you who marshals and keeps us safe at the weekly fighter practices, at the archery shoots and at the demos.

Thank you to you, whose work is rarely witnessed, such as running websites, newsletters, fighting the financial bureaucracy of the bank accounts, moderating social media groups.

Look around at our game, the events, the teaching, the socials and satisfaction gained from participating. This is built from mass collaboration and taking time out from our busy lives to enable these hobbies we call the SCA. As the famous advert says, “Every Little Helps”, and so it is with our community.

It is easy to spot the flaws, the gaps, the inefficiency. It is harder to remember to say thank you when caught in the moment of enjoyment. If any effort is needed, then my view is that it should start with giving thanks for all the work that is going on, not just the herculean efforts, the Hail Mary runs, the grand designs, but the small and regular contributions that keep us running.

It is something I find myself remiss on, as there is a small army of supporters working in the background on the issues and concerns of this office. Working on these, it is easy to see the problems, and fail to adequately celebrate the successes, the events well done as members disperse, chattering away about the welcome opportunity to see friends and companions again, how the fighting was fun, the food delicious or the archery well-executed.

We have an award structure to recognise the work that goes on, please use it:

But also, please do add your words of appreciation to those volunteers making this magic happen. At the height of their weariness such comment is often well-timed and well-valued in confirming why our volunteers keep doing what they keep doing, and offer to chip in and spread the load. The SCA functions best when many hands (and heads!) make light work of what we do.

Look around, give thanks, and see what you can help with.
