Marriage Settlement of William Huckvale and Mary Rawbone

My recent enforced stay in Berlin, unfortunately causing me to miss the last Crown Tournament, did allow me to get some transcriptions of the Huckvale Papers done, for which I had been struggling to find the time. As a precursor to these, however, this month’s document is a marriage settlement for the marriage of William Huckvale the younger and Mary Rawbone (or Rabon) dated to the 1 st October 1668.

So why a document dating from the reign of Charles II, and past even the grey period for the SCA? The reasons are several. The marriage settlement as a general procedure is indicative of period, and is interesting of itself. However, this particular document, between the fathers of the bride and groom, Major Rawbone (1606-1694) and William Huckvale the elder (1594-aft. 1668), men who were born each side of 1600 (and consequently lived through the Civil War and Interregnum), mentions details about some of the land which involve two earlier generations of Huckvales, taking us well back into the 16 th century.

So we have later evidence of names from period. Most are unremarkable, but Major Rawbone’s is notable. Major (also written as Maior) is not a title, but a given name, as evidenced by his baptism in Haseley, Warwickshire at the tail end of 1606. He is not alone in having this name in the area at that time. This caught me out a few years back when I first came across the name, which was later in his life, and hence not obviously actually a name.

From a genealogical point of view (which is my driver for which documents I end up examining), the document confirms four generations of father/son relationships, which is quite unusual. As a result we know that from the groom back in time, we have William, William, Cuthbert and John. John takes us from the early decades of the 16 th century (his exact birth date is currently unclear) until his death just a month before Major’s baptism. It is the documents concerning the transactions of Cuthbert and John that are in the Huckvale Papers and I’ll cover in future articles.

The schedule gives an interesting list of land and field names, which in general don’t change much over time, along with their occupiers, which is typical before and afterwards, to describe where the ;and dealt with by the settlement is located. The difference to today’s deeds is that the lands is largely located relative to other land and/or the occupiers. At the time of writing that probably would have been clear enough, but as time goes on it becomes almost impossible to determine exactly where the plots are located, and would require a database of who owned, or occupied, what land when. The Huckvales were big fish in the little pond of Over Norton and its parish of Chipping

Norton, Oxfordshire for nearly 400 years, from the early 16 th century until the end of 19 th century. Yet by the start of the 20 th the name had completely vanished from the county with those born there moved to London. They do however provide me a personal gateway back into period and the late 15 th century, with a probable, but unproven ancestry into the late 14th.

My work on the Huckvale family is recorded in WikiTree (, with their own project page at I used to record most of the transcriptions and translation I did on my own blog, but it makes more sense to integrate them into the collaborative genealogical project. This particular document is at this location.

The transcription follows the layout of the original, wide landscape document, which makes referring back to the original much easier, so the layout in our modern portrait scheme will look a little odd as each original line takes up about a line and a half in the layout I’m writing this article (and may change again for publication). Unlike the Cely Papers, I haven’t provided a modernized version of the text, but I think it is pretty understandable as is. If in doubt read a section aloud, which is a useful trick for any old English texts. Even if it looks incomprehensible, it will often be understandable when read aloud phonetically.

O12/69D/2; Oxfordshire Archives
Sealed and delievered
in the presence of
Jo: Halfehead
Thomas Paddy
the mark of
Willm F Fletcher
the mark H of
Hannah Huckvale

Witnessed the day and yeare within written
the quiet and peaceably possien Livery
and Seisin of the within granted
messuage was given and delivered by
the within named William Huckvale
the elder in the name of all the premisses
within granted unto the within named
Major Rabon Henry Fawler and
William Aynge To have and to hold
unto them accordinge to the purpose of
the within written deede;

Jo: Halfehead
Thomas Parlsly
the marke of
Willm F Fletcher
the marke H of
Hannah Huckvale

A Schedule of the messuage and Lande grannted in and by this deed whereunto this Schedule is annexed

Imprimis the howse and homestall; Item twoe Butts at Hull Henry Fawler on the West Sam: Winton on the East One hade acre at hull
William Busby on the South One acre at Hull Willm Paxford on the west Rich: Buckett on the East; One Land inshort hadelonge furlonge Rich:
Busby on the north Tho: Taylor on the south; Threelands in short hadelonge furlonge John Hopkins on the north Willm Ingraham on the south
One acre at Picked Stone Antho: Robbins on the north Mr Chamberlayne on the south One Land at London way Rich: Busby on the west Willm Busby on the East
One Land at Stirtfurze Tho: Hopkins on the East; One thorow shoote land behind Snarhill Henry Fawler on the west Willm Kente on the East One acre
behind Snarhill Rich: Huchins on the west Rich: Busby on the East One hadeacre at Deane End Willm Busby on the south One varnell at old acre Willm
Timms west Willm Busby East One land at Haninge Lands Willm Busby north Robt Guy south One Land at foxburough Rich: Rowleright north Henry
Fawler south One Lamd at Shorthedges Willm Busby west Thomas Endall East One other Land at Shorthedges Elias Freeman west Three lands at Shorthedges
Robt Guy west Henry Fawler East One acre over broad way John Wheeler on the East One Land at wheat hill Frances Busby west Christopher Scott East
One other land at wheat hill Mary Fletcher west Thomas Endall East One Land in the hamm John Buckett North Tho: Endall South; One Land at Smartway End
Henry Fawler north Rich: Buckett South; One Land att Longholes Anthony Robbins north Rich: Busby South; One Land at Stanarow pitts Tho: Smith
West Henry Fawler East One Land at Fearneway Rich Hutchings west Thomas Hopkins East; One land Shooteinge toward Primsdowne John
Wheeler on the west Phillip Wisdom East One acre in blackmore Robt Guy on both Sides; One Land in blackmore Rich: Busby on both sides; One
Land at kaenes mead Willm Busby on both sides; One Land belowe Ridgway Willm Busby north Willm Timms south One other Land below
Ridgway John Meekes north Willm Timms south;
The greene Sward halfe a Ley at Salisbury playne One acre at Augor Elias Freeman north Willm Busby south One Ley at Augor
Mr Ramsden north Willm Braine south; One Varnell at farnicum way Willm Braine north Rich: Buckett south; One Butt at hay way End
Richard Buckett north John Witt south; One Varnell shooteinge into wheathill Robt Guy north Rich: Rowleright south One Plott of meadow ground
att Overnorton brooke commonly called Ducksnest Plott; One acre at high Thorne Robt Wheeler north Elias Freeman south One Let at
Clamfurlonge Frances Busby north Henry Fawler south One Varnell shooteinge into withy lake Thomas Taylor East One varnell
betweene Lakes Willm Busby north; One Ley betweene Lakes Willm Busby south Twoe yeards above Frances Busby on the south
Willm Timms north One Thoroughshoote Ley in Cutt Leyes John Wheeler west One other Ley in Cutt Leyes Willm Kyte west; One
Ley in Keenes mead William Ingraham west; One Close or Inclosed ground called by the name of Shephowse Close lyinge
on the lower side of Overnorton aforesd Mr William Busby on both sides

This Indenture Triptite made the First day of October in the Twentieth yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne
Lord Charles the Second of England Scottland France & Ireland Kinge Defender of the Fayth &c And in the yeare of our Lord One
Thowsand Sixe Hundred Sixtie & Eight Betweene William Huckvale the elder of Overnorton in the parrish of Chippingnorton
in the County of Oxon gent of the First parte Major Rabon of Alsley in the County of Warr Cooper Henry Fawler of Chippingnorton
aforesaide Mercer and William Aynge of Asscott in the parrish of Whichford in the saide County of Warrwicke husbandman of the second
parte And William Huckvale the younger of Overnorton aforesaide sone and heire apparent of him the saide William Huckvale
the elder and Mary Rabon Daughter of him the saide Major Rabon of the third parte Witnesseth That he the saide William Huckvale
the elder aswell for and in consideracon of a marriage intended (by the permission of Allmighty God) shortly to be had and solemnised betweene him the saide
William Huckvale the younger and the saide Mary Rabon and to the End there may be a sufficient maintenannce & provision for the saide Mary in case
the saide intended marriage happen to take Effect as for and in consideracon of the sume of Twoe Hundred pounds of currant English mony beinge the
marriage porton of her the saide Mary unto him the saide William Huckvale the elder in hand paide or served to be paide by the saide Major Rabon
at the ensealeinge & delivery hereof And for the settlinge & assuringe the inheritance of the messuage & lands menconed in a Schedule hereunto annexed To
such use and uses and upon such Trusts and Confidence as are herein declared limitted or expressed; And for divers other good Causes and Consideracons him the saide William
Huckvale the elder hereunto in that behalfe espetially moveinge He the saide William Huckvale the elder Hath given grannted bargained sould enfeoffed & confirmed
and by theise presents doth give grannt bargaine sell enfeoffe and confirme unto them the saide Major Rabon Henry Fawler and William Aynge All that his messuage or tenement
and homestall with its appurtenannces scituate & beinge in Overnorton aforesaid Wherein he the saide William Huckvale the elder doth nowe Inhabite & dwell And all that
Close which Cuthbert Huckvale Father of him the saide William Huckvale the elder heretofore purchased of William Stone John Willett & William Payne And alsoe all
those arrable lands Plotts & pells of land of arrable meadowe & pasture menconed in a Schedule hereunto annexed beinge or beinge reputed to be One yard land and beinge parte
of the lands which John Huckvale grand Father of him the saide William Huckvale the elder heretofore purchased of one Richard Carricque And alsoe all howses outhowses
Dovehowses barnes stables Courts yards backsides gardens orchards Inclosures and Inclosed ground lands leas meadowes hades meares balkes barrowes pastures feedeinges Commons
Comon of pasture Trees woods underwoods hedges ditches mounds fences furzes thornes bushes fuell wayes waters watercorses easements profitts Commodities Emoluements & advantages
whatsoever unto the same messuage or tenement arrable lands meadowe and pasture ground or to any or either of them belongeinge or in any way apptaineinge all which premisses are
scituate lyinge and beinge within the Common Feelds liberties & precinncts of Overnorton aforesaide and nowe are in the tenure or occupacom of him the saide William Huckvale the elder his assignee or
or assignes And alsoe all the Estate Right Title Interest Claime and Demannd Whatsoever of him the saide William Huckvale the elder of ? to the same or of in or unto any parte or
parcell thereof And likewise all deeds writeings escripts & mi?ments whatsoever touchinge or concerneinge the same premisses only or only any partes ? of and true Coppies of all such deeds & writeings
as concerne the saide lands & premisses togeather with ?er lands to be Coppied ____ William Huckvale the elder his heires or assignes
To have & to hould the saide messuage or tenement arrable lands & premisses with all and singler theire and every of theire appurtances unto them the saide Major Rabon Henry
Fawler and William Aynge theire heires and assignes forever Subject Nevertheless to the severall uses hereinafter menconed declared That is to say To the End that they the
saide Major Rabon Henry Fawler and William Aynge & theire heires be and shall stand seised of and in the saide messuage or tenement and all and singuler the saide errable lands and
premisses and every parte and parcell thereof To the use and behooffe of them the saide William Huckvale the younger and the saide Mary his intended wife for and dureinge their natureall
lives and the life of the longest liver of them as a Joynture to and for her the saide (Mary) in case the saide intended marriage happen to take Effect and after theire decease To the use and
behooffe of the heires of the boddy of him the saide William Huckvale the younger on the boddie the saide Mary lawfully begotten and to be begotten And for default of such yssue
To the use and behooffe of the heires of the boddie of him the saide William Huckvale the younger lawfully begotten & to be begotten And for default of such yssue Then to the use
and behooffe of the Right heires of him the saide William Huckvale the elder forever and to and for none other use intent or purpose whatsoever And he the saide William
Huckvale the elder doth by theise presents for himselfe his heiores Executors and Administrators and for every of them Covenant grant and agree to and with them the saide Major
Rabon Henry Fawler & William Aynge and to & with every of them theire and every of theire heires & assignes That they the saide Major Rabon Henry Fawler & William Aynge
and theire heires shall and may peacably & quietly have hold and enjoy the saide premisses and every parte and parcell thereof from tyme to tyme and at all tymes forever hereafter
Subject to the severall uses above in theise presents menconed and declared and that free and Cleare and freely and clearely acuitted & discharged or otherwise well & sufficiently
saved kept harmelesse and Indempnified of and from all and all manner of other guifts grannts bargaines sales leases Joyntures dowers wills entailes Statutes Marchant & of the Staple
Recognisances bills bonds debts to our Sovraigne Lord the Kinges Ma:tie and of and from all other Tytles troubles Chardges & encombrances isoever had made done Committed & omitted or suffered
by him the saide William Huckvale the elder or by any other person or persons whatsoever claimeinge the premisses or any parte or parcell thereof by from or under him the saide William Huckvale the elder
or by from or under his Estate or Tytle or by his theire or any of theire acr meanes assent Consent privity or procurement And ?such that for & notwithstanding any act or thing whatsoever
hertofore done or suffered by him the saide William Huckvale the elder his heires or assignes or hereafter to be done by him them or any of them to the contrary the saide William Huckvale the elder
nowe is at the tyme of the ensealeinge & delivery hereof and untill the xecutinge of an Estate by vertue hereof shalbe seised of & in the same premisses & every parte thereof of a good perfect and Indeseizible Estate
in Fee simple without any manner of Condicon or limittacon to alter Change or make voyd the same and alsoe that he the saide William Huckvale the elder hath good Right and lawefull authority to
grannt Convey and assure the same premisses with theire appurtences unto them the saide Major Rabon Henry Fawler and William Aynge & theire heires to the uses intents and purposes aforesaide accordinge to the
true meaneinge of theise persons And Lastly he the saide William Huckvale the elder for himselfe his heires Executors and administrators and for every of them doth covenant promise and agree to & with
them the saide Major Rabon Henry Fawler & William Aynge theire heires and assignes and to and with every of them ny theise presents That he the saide William Huckvale the elder and his heires
shall and will from tyme to tyme and at all tymes hereafter within the space of Seaven yeares next ensueinge the date hereof upon the reasonable request of them the saide Major Rabon Henry Fawler
and William Aynge and theire heires and at the Cost and Chardges in the lawe of him the saide Major Rabon his heires or assignes doe make accknowledge Levey execute suffer or cause to be made
done accknoweledged Leveyed executed and suffered all and every such other and further lawfull and reasonable act & acts device & devices assureance & assureances in the lawe whatsoever for the
further and more perfect assureinge surety and suremakeinge & conveyinge of the saide premisses and every parte and parcell thereof unto them the saide Major Rabon Henry Fawler & William Aynge
theire heires and assignes To the uses and behooffes above menconed as by them the saide Major Rabon Henry Fawler & William Aynge theire or any of theire heires theire or any of theire learned
Councell in the lawe shalbe reasonably devised advised or required In Witnes whereof the parties to theise presents Interchangably have sett theire handes and seales the day and yeare
above written;